Adults Baptism Class – October 12/13, after each service

Attending the Adults Baptism Class will confirm your relationship and dependence on Jesus Christ, help you fully understand baptism, and make you feel prepared practically to know what to expect. The goal is for you to understand fully what you are doing in submitting to baptism and to grasp the significance of it so you can receive baptism as a true marking moment in your life and celebrate that with your family, friends, and the church.

To register for the Adults Baptism Class, email Pastor Todd at

RC Kids Baptism Class – October 13, 1p

1st – 5th grade (required for baptism)

In this class, participants will learn who Jesus is, why we do baptism, and the value of it. There will be handouts, a presentation, and the meeting will be about 45 minutes. There will be a time for parent and child conversation to make sure they are ready to be baptized as well as information on what to expect on baptism weekend.

To register for the Kids Baptism Class, click HERE

RCYTH Baptism Class – October 16, 5p

6th-12th grade

6-12th grade students are invited to explore following Jesus in baptism. In this class they will learn what baptism is, why we are baptized, and take time to pray and decide if they are ready and willing to follow Jesus in this public declaration of their faith. The class will last 30-45 minutes and will include the students writing out their understanding of baptism and their testimony of how they came to know Jesus as their Lord and Savior. 

To register for the Youth Baptism Class, email Pastor Parker at