Welcome to our first Wellness Program, presented by Red Cedar Sports Ministries: Wellness Department!


What is this Wellness Program?

It is a month long intentional journey through three different health areas designed to provide new tools and habits that will kickstart your journey to a much more healthy 2024.


Who is this for?

Everybody is welcome! We all need tools to apply to our lives regardless of our life stage.


What will this program entail?

The program will focus on three areas of wellness (Nutrition, Functional Movement, Mental), It will breakdown as follows:

Week 1: The program starts Saturday, Jan. 6th with our kickoff event at 10am @ Red Cedar Church. We will focus on Nutrition and teach some healthy recipes allong with new skills and tools to improve your nutrition and meal prep abilities. The following week will have daily content that sets you up for success and teaches you new tips and tricks to meet your nutrition goals.

Week 2: Saturday, Jan. 13th will start our Functional Movement week with an event at 10am @ Red Cedar Church. This event will equip us with new stretches and workouts that increase our ability to stay flexible and nimble regardless of our stage in life. The following week will also include some home stretches and exercises that will help create good routines moving forward along with some new recipes or nutrition tips.

Week 3: Our next event will be on Jan. 2oth at 10am @ Red Cedar Church. This event will feature local health professional Dr. Paige Harper as our key note speaker on mental health, specifically Seasonal Affective Disorder (Or Winter Blues). This event will help increase our understanding and awareness  of this common mental health issue and teach us many helpful coping strategies. The rest of the week will have daily content with mindfulness and thankfulness exercises as well as physical workout prompts and nutrition recipes.

Closing Celebration: We will conclude our Wellness Program on Jan 27th at 10am @ Red Cedar Church with a full body workout and time for sharing of testimonies and celebrate the journey we all took together. This will be a fun and upbeat time to connect with other participants, share stories and plan for how we will apply all the lessons and tips learned from this month of wellness.


Even if you are seeing this after the program started, it is not too late to join. Good habits and awesome relationships are still available for you.